Hanging by a (Narrative) Thread: Friendship in Post-Truth ‘MuricaDo we construct social media bubbles, or do they construct us?Apr 4, 2019Apr 4, 2019
Stokely Carmichael on Economic Exploitation, Riots, and #BLMFerguson. Baltimore. New York City. Baton Rouge. Falcon Heights. Milwaukee. These are just some of the places.Sep 6, 2016Sep 6, 2016
Hillary Clinton, Chomsky, Symbolic Elections, and Corporate Stand-In Presidents.Every Presidential election, we see a certain kind of rhetorical logic coming from both parties in reference to the candidates from the…Aug 8, 2016Aug 8, 2016
Leon Trotsky on Fascism and Class Consciousness in America: Transposing Socialist Theory to Today’s…Published in 1944, a little-known pamphlet written by Leon Trotsky titled “Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It” laid out a historical…Jan 20, 2016Jan 20, 2016
On the Social Obligation of Being a #SJWOne of the perverse side effects of being a young adult in the 21st Century is that many of us have been raised to appreciate floaty ideals…Jan 17, 2016Jan 17, 2016